CAFAT as we mentioned in our last post is a "Computer aided First aid Trainer". It is a 3D game that we programmed as our final year project. It aims at teaching a player with survival tactics that includes Rescue/Escape missions and First-Aid related tutorials. It trains a player to get prepared both mentally and physically for any unexpected emergency scenario such as Heart Attack, snake bite, Fire burn, robbery, Gas leakage etc. We live in a world where accidents and mishaps are part of daily life routines. Public is often not well educated with survival tactics and they often fail to provide first-aid to victims or react rationally in a call-to-action situation as a result precious lives are lost due to lack survival skills. I remember back in November 2012, TV Media news broadcasted a burning man for over 15 minutes, who was hanging outside "state life building".
Unfortunately no one could rush down to save his life because everyone stood as spectators and watched the young man die. Few mattresses or a pair of inflated parachute fabric which was easily available nearby could have saved the young man's life but no one thought that critically and almost everyone stood dumb.
This incident effected our minds so effectively that we decided to develop a 3D game in order to train people to escape or fight an emergency situation. Lets first see a DEMO!
Forgive me for the poor quality video but that was all I could manage on urgent basis. Hope you will like it :)
Installation Guide:
- Download the file
- Extract the rar file using winrar
- Click the file named CAFAT
- Enjoy playing! :>
CAFAT team consisted of 3 of my great friends which includes:
Name | Role |
Ahmed Nasir | Programmer |
Sajjad Ahmed | UI Developer |
Muhammad Shozaib | Programmer |
Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai | UI Developer |
CAFAT as we discussed is a trainer that guides user to learn survival tactics that will help him in call to action scenarios. The user will interact with the game through Microsoft KINECT sensors that will detect his skeletal movements and reflects his bones transformation to the game character. The entire game is built in Unity3D, the 3D models are crafted in 3D Studio Max and character animation is done with the help of Motion Builder.
We have currently created and developed three scenarios i.e. Heart Attack, Fire in the house and Snake bite. Each scenario has some exciting challenges that a user needs to complete. A Random challenge is offered each time a user plays the same scenario, in order to keep the interest level high and offer a true gaming experience. A user can pause, play or stop a level or go back to the main menu using voice commands. Character‘s movement is synchronized with that of the real user using KINECT‘s gesture sensing capability. All a Player requires to play the game is Windows Operating system, LCD, Speakers and KINECT for Windows.
If you need all A-Z details then please go through the following Project documentation summary report.
Entire game is written using Unity3D's default Javascript and C#. Scripting with Unity3D was a great experience thanks to its fast iteration and execution. Scripting with unity3D is surely uncluttered, straightforward and incredibly fast. In Unity, you write simple behavior scripts in Unity script, C# or Boo. All three languages are easy to use and run on the Open Source .NET platform, Mono, with rapid compilation times but as far as CAFAT is concerned we chose C# as the primary programing language for our Game development.
If you would love to further extend our work by taking CAFAT to the next level then feel free to contact us for any technical help needed. We would love to share the source files on request. I just hope this game could be accepted as a new year gift by MBT readers because this project is the most precious one I could share. This time its not a gift related to blogging resources but an entertainment based goodie that could be used by audience of any age.
Happy Gaming! Peace and blessings buddies :)
Filed Under: Fun, games, Tech InfoSource : mybloggertricks[dot]com
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